Brazilian Corruption Continues


O Melhor Jornal de Curitiba

Deltan says that the annulment of Beto Richa’s processes is illegal and deniescollusion with Moro

Deltan says that the annulment of Beto Richa’sprocesses is illegal and denies collusion withMoroFormer prosecutor says that Toffoli does not explain what to do with the sum ofR$ 1.2 billion that would have been returned in processesDeltan Dallagnol. Photo: Mattia Fossati

Leave a comment / By rogerio_gg12/23/23, 12:48 PM Deltan says that the annulment of Beto Richa’s processes is illegal and denies collusion with Moro – PLURAL 2/7 

The former coordinator of the Lava Jato task force, Deltan Dallagnol (Novo),published a note this Wednesday (20) in which he harshly criticizes the decisionof Minister Dias Toffoli, of the STF, to annul the main criminal proceedingsinvolving the former governor Beto Richa. Toffoli, as Plural showed , annulledthe evidence of four important actions against Richa , including Lava Jato cases.

For Deltan, Toffoli’s decision does not prove in detail what the “proceduralcollusion” between the prosecutor’s office and the then judge Sergio Morowould be. Toffoli claims, based on messages from Deltan’s cell phone, obtainedby The Intercept Brasil and Operação Spoofing, that the Lava Jato and Moroprosecutors were not impartial and worked together against the defendants.

Deltan claims that this did not exist and that, furthermore, there would be noexplanation for Toffoliu to annul, as a result, processes in which Lava Jato andMoro were not involved.

Toffoli’s decision nullifies the evidence in four criminal cases faced by BetoRicha. In Operation Quadro Negro, Richa was accused of participating in ascheme to divert resources from works in public schools; in the Pilot Operation,the suspicion was of illicit receipt of funds from Odebrecht, in exchange forbenefits in tenders; in Operation Patrulhas do Campo, the complaint was aboutdiversion of resources from works on rural roads in Paraná; the fourth case,relating to Operation Integration, dealt with irregularities in toll contracts.12/23/23, 12:48 PM Deltan says that the annulment of Beto Richa’s processes is illegal and denies collusion with Moro – PLURAL 3/7 

“Dias Toffoli’s decision has several basic legal problems”, says the formerprosecutor. One of the problems, according to him, is that Toffoli does notindicate what to do with the money recovered in the processes. “Toffoli’sdecision does not address what to do with the more than R$1.2 billion alreadyreturned to public coffers through leniency and plea bargain agreements,including from supporters and people close to Beto Richa who confessed to thecrimes, They handed over evidence and returned money. The amounts havealready been used in infrastructure works in Paraná, such as the Cascavelinterchange.”

Deltan says that “Minister Toffoli’s decision not only questions the effectivenessof the Brazilian judicial system in the fight against corruption, but alsoreinforces a worrying trend of impunity, especially in cases involving influentialpoliticians. In the STF’s power game, Toffoli’s decision reinforces a narrativewhere corruption finds a safe haven, and justice, an obstacle to becircumvented”.






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