Brazilian Governmment Continues illegal Detentions

From The Daily Wire:

“Lawyers for Filipe Martins, who considers himself a political prisoner of

the left-wing Brazilian Supreme Court (STF), say the court is using the

error on the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) website as proof to

imprison him. Martins was arrested on February 8 at the order of STF

Minister Alexandre de Moraes, who is using records showing travel to the

United States — and the lack of corresponding Brazilian immigration

records — as evidence that Martins defrauded the immigration system by

leaving the country undetected.”

Deltan Dallagnol is not the only target of the despotic Brazilian government.

In an all too rare about face, the U. S. government corrected the mistaken records relied on by the tyrant socialist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

“According to the incorrect CBP travel history records used to keep Martins imprisoned obtained by The Daily Wire, there was a log of Filipe entering the United States with inconsistencies. But representatives of Martins, who served as the special adviser for international affairs to Bolsonaro, say he never left his country on the day being alleged. There is evidence showing he made Uber and food purchases in Brazil, and also that he took a domestic flight.”






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