‘It’s always been like this in Brazil: corrupt people go unpunished’, says Deltan Dallagnol about Odebrecht fine
‘The one who pays the price for all this is, always, society’, the former Lava Jato prosecutor told Estadão. Payment of R$3.8 billion due by the contractor was suspended by decision of Minister Dias Toffoli (STF); company said it does not comment on the statements
For the former prosecutor of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) in Paraná, Deltan Dallagnol, the decision of the minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Dias Toffoli, to suspend the fine of the construction company Novonor (formerly Odebrecht) is part of a “great package” to guarantee impunity for businessmen and politicians who confessed to corruption crimes. Dallagnol was part of the former Operation Lava Jato task force and participated in the signing of plea bargain agreements for several employees of the construction company. When contacted, Novonor only said that the “company does not comment on the former attorney’s statements.”
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