Brazilian Corruption Outed by Anti-Bribery Working Group of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

“Just three days after the OECD’s negative assessment, the British newspaper Financial Times, one of the most influential in the world, published a devastating report on how Brazil has moved away from clean politics, after the golden years of the Lava Jato operation. The Financial Times expressed the international community’s serious concerns about three issues of Brazilian domestic politics.”

Furthermore, the Amnesty PEC is being processed in Congress, which, if approved, will put a big dent in the financial illegalities of parties and cancel millions of reais in fines, which was also questioned by the British newspaper. I worked in Congress against this PEC alongside Santa Catarina deputy Gilson Marques, but the rest of the parties and politicians in general were committed to its approval.

The Financial Times’ third and final point, the most important, was about the STF. According to the newspaper, the Supreme Court’s recent decisions signal that there is no appetite for corruption investigations involving the Brazilian political class, citing by name the ministers of Gilmar Mendes and Dias Toffoli as the pivots of these decisions.

Our shame, in addition to being international, is supreme.”

Deltan is still fighting the good fight.






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