Deltan Decides No Further Appeals

“In the STF, I would be judged by the same ministers who revoked mymandate in an exercise of futurologyand by the same ministers who killedLava Jato, such as Gilmar Mendes andDias Toffoli, who dominate the Courttoday”, he explained. “I have always fought for justice, but unfortunately I do not recognize it in the decisions taken by the majority of the STF today.”


Deltan also assesses that the STF has acted in a political, arbitrary and illegalmanner, outside the provisions of the Federal Constitution and disrespectingthe other Powers. And he analyzes: “Those who should protect theConstitution and democracy attack and undermine it from within. Ministersof the Supreme Court who said they were guarantors for Power’s alliesturned out to be punitive for those they consider opponents of the system,”she said.

“Three STF ministers have already voted against me in the TSE, withoutsupport in the law, as many people said, it is not a personal opinion.According to the press, ministers are more active than ever in the game ofpower in Brasília, wanting to place their candidates in vacancies in the highercourts, in the PGR and in other bodies, with Lula openly wanting to takerevenge on Lava Jato”, he explains.

The context matters, says Deltan: “The incentives for them to judge politically, according to the cover of the case, are very great. The STF’s recent

decisions fuel despair and undermine the court’s credibility, such as that ofMinister Toffoli who annulled all evidence of the agreement with Odebrecht,in which he himself was cited, without due basis and, at the same time,according to several journalists, to make peace with Lula. Toffoli would, infact, be the rapporteur of my case at the STF. Does anyone believe in a courtlike that?”, asks Deltan.

However, Deltan will not abandon Brazil or politics as a path to change: “We are a movement and not a mandate. I will fight every day to continue to honor the 345,000 votes I received from my voters and seek an even greater transformation.”

Click here for him to tell you his story, in English.






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